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Create Your Purpose ...To Live the Life You Want

A Mini-Workshop


Ok, you are ready to start creating your Purpose.


Amazing! Having a personal Purpose that is meaningful to you can be life changing. Truly.


You have access to this material for life. My suggestion is that you watch the video below first, and then use the  the "Worksheet" to help you work through what it all means for you.


A word of caution: just like if you tried my "Create Your Vision" workshop, understand that creating your Purpose isn't always simple, or easy, or straightforward.


It took me a couple of years to admit I wanted one, and the first one I created didn't really work. I stumbled on the one I had after working on it for a while.


But you have access to this material for life, so if you need to keep coming back to it, that is ok!


Video Lesson

This video lesson is straight from my "Learn to Thrive" signature course.  It is right from the beginning of the course, where I teach people that the foundation of a thriving life - of a life with meaning, where you feel engaged and fulfilled - is creating a vision for a thriving life, a Purpose, and the values that you want to live by.


That course includes current Neuroscience, Psychology and High Performance research - you will see some of this in the lesson.


If you like this lesson, and think you are ready to take a larger step to creating a thriving life, you can hit the button below and it will take you to the page that can tell you more.



Learn to Thrive Course


The worksheet below was created to help you work through the ideas from the video, and to create your own vision.

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